Daily Departures

Departing daily from the ordinary objects of my thoughts.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What Jeff killed

The title of this post is the name of a blog. I'm not sure whether I should say that I like this blog or not. Partly because certain people might be disturbed by that claim and partly because I'm not sure if I actually do like it. I certainly like the creativity of the blogger (who is not Jeff) and I certainly think one of the animals pictured on the site is very cute... but... well... have a look for yourself.
What Jeff Killed
Consider yourself warned.


  • At 7/22/2006 12:31:00 PM, Blogger Rachel said…

    I think Jeff and Lucy are kindred spirits...Lucy's total catch count in the last two weeks: two chipmunks and a mouse, and all of this with no front claws.


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