Daily Departures

Departing daily from the ordinary objects of my thoughts.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Learning to dance?

There are online manuals for just about everything these days, including How-To-Dance.

Probably my favourite is by zeFrank. He calls it his "How to Dance Educational Video. He truly is a pioneer in dance education.

Recently however, a new instructor appeared on the scene; he is Judson Laipply. His instructional video is very comprehensive and although not in strict chronological order, it will give you a good idea of just how you will need to dance if you stumble across a time machine and, for some unknown reason, decide to go back to the fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, or even nineties. So, without further adieu, click the play button below--the one in the center of the video--and enjoy.

(I should note that this video is six minutes long and isn't really worth watching unless you can hear the sound, so wait for that special time when you both have time and a computer with sound.)

[Thanks Cathy for the video tip.]


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