Heard of eating frogs legs?
Well, that's nothing!
Check out this video for a new and exciting taste sensation or three: Frog sashimi and two other delightful tasty treats. I don't really want to spoil it, but I also don't want anyone who is uber-anti-meat-eating to watch the video. So, without further adieu, click the play button below.
[UPDATE: If you liked that, then you might want to see what Anthony Bourdain will eat. Thanks Liz.]
Check out this video for a new and exciting taste sensation or three: Frog sashimi and two other delightful tasty treats. I don't really want to spoil it, but I also don't want anyone who is uber-anti-meat-eating to watch the video. So, without further adieu, click the play button below.
[UPDATE: If you liked that, then you might want to see what Anthony Bourdain will eat. Thanks Liz.]
At 5/05/2006 12:05:00 AM, Anonymous said…
At 5/05/2006 12:23:00 AM, Brendan Ritchie said…
I would SO eat that.
At 5/05/2006 08:32:00 PM, Anonymous said…
Uhhhhhh... why, why WHY did you subject me to that?
At 5/06/2006 01:51:00 AM, Matt said…
I would for sure eat that, ive got no problem with it. mmmmm beating heart
At 5/06/2006 02:05:00 AM, Mark said…
There were warnings galore. You have free will so you were free to not watch. Or, is this a case of akrasia?
At 5/07/2006 10:04:00 AM, Anonymous said…
Watching this I get the feeling that people who run these sorts of restaurants are having fun at their customers' expense - like "What weird shit can I get these bozos to eat/drink? I know! A still beating frog heart and booze with a lizard in it." Blech.
At 5/08/2006 09:47:00 AM, SoulPastor said…
I absolutely loved it!
Seriously, that was great. I am still laughing.
Find us a sushi bar and let's give it a go!
At 5/18/2006 12:51:00 AM, Anonymous said…
There is this shop in Shinjuku of Tokyo.
A Japanese does not eat, too.
considerably, bizarre tastes in food.
I want to try to challenge it this time.
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