Daily Departures

Departing daily from the ordinary objects of my thoughts.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Digital library, here I come!

Have you ever taken books out of the library only to have them recalled before you were finished? If not, then just trust me, it sucks.

Atiz has developed a reasonably sized book scanner (that turns the pages!!) that will be available for purchase soon.

Can you imagine going on a trip and not being able to decide what books to take? If you are taking a laptop anyways, then why not take all of them. It sounds like the best compromise to me. It is one thing to have a good collection of academic papers on your computer, but a good collection of books... mmmmmm.

Despite all of these virtues, I don't think I'll be splurging anytime soon. With a $35,000 price tag, it is a little--OK a lot--out of reach. Besides, I'd rather spend that money on the books themselves.


  • At 2/22/2006 09:10:00 PM, Blogger Matt said…

    Thats pretty cool, maybe I'll start saving!

  • At 2/27/2006 12:52:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Reading something on a computer screen is a lot harder then reading it on printed media. It takes a lot of the fun out of it, I'm not sure why.

    I've had books on my computer before, but have never got around to reading them.


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